September 14, 2014

Sometimes, the stumbling block to the realization of our dreams and goals in life are our fears.  So if we want to turn our dreams into reality, we must take courage to defeat fear.

Have you given up your dreams because of fear? However, it does not mean that if we are courageous, we are fearless.

Fear is not always considered negative, it has also a positive aspect.  Fear can save us from danger because we learn to be more cautious, alert, and pro-active when we feel fear. Anne is afraid of water because of her childhood experience of almost drowning.  Because of that, whenever she would be forced to take a boat ride, she would always bring and wear a life vest.  One day, when the boat she was riding on capsized, she was saved because of her life vest.

But we must be careful with fear because it will not only take us away from danger, just like what happened to Anne, but it will also take us away from fulfilling our dreams.  Some people are being haunted by fear and anxiety because they want to control their life due to fear of experiencing again the same pains and heartaches that they underwent in the past. When fear dominates and controls us, we are frozen, we remain stagnant, and we lose the chance to grow.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is DOING THE RIGHT THING AMIDST FEAR.  We must try to overcome fear and learn to move on and believe that something greater is in store for us.  Let determination and commitment propel us and enable us to surpass our fear, so that we can enter the door of available opportunities and in the end, achieve our dreams.

Every success happens because of determination and commitment.  Tomas Alva Edison is a known inventor who developed important devices such as phonograph, motion picture camera, and electric light bulb.  But looking back, Tomas Edison did not learn to talk until he was almost four years of age.  Due to his being too inquisitive at a young age, his upset teacher told him that he was “too stupid to learn anything” such that his mother temporarily withdrew him from attending formal school and personally continue his education through home schooling.  He was even fired from his first two jobs and made thousand unsuccessful experiments.  Despite all these failures, however, he continue to pursue his dream. With his strong drive and commitment to accomplish his goals, those unsuccessful attempts finally resulted to a design that worked and made him one of the famous American inventors of significant devices that greatly improved and influenced life in the world.

It is always commitment and determination that will make us achieve our dreams.  It is the ability to keep on going and trying in the midst of our fears, failures, discouragement, obstacles, and difficulties.

It is not yet too late to pursue such dream again.

Do we want physical well being? We need to be determined and committed to eating healthy food such as fruits and vegetables.  We need to be committed to a healthy lifestyle and regularly engaging in physical fitness activities.  We need to be committed to avoid and let go of stress and unnecessary worries.

Do we want a united family?  We need to be determined and committed to spending quality time together with our spouse.  We need to be committed to communicating and expressing love regularly, accepting our partner for what he/she is, and always forgiving one another.

Do we want financial success? We need to be determined and committed to increasing our financial intelligence.  We cannot afford to work haphazardly.  We need to work hard and give our best shot.  We need to be committed to keep watch of our spending habits.  We need to be committed to continuous learning and discovering investment opportunities and business ventures. 

Fear is useless, what is needed is BELIEF in ourselves and COMMITMENT to achieve our dreams, coupled with TRUST in Divine Providence.

Nancy Paje


Interested on science-based wellness products, read further:

Usana Nutritional Products

Hi! I’m happy to share how USANA changed my life and my family as well.

When USANA was introduced to me, I did not hesitate to use its products because it has been my belief that taking vitamins and antioxidants is necessary to maintain good health aside of course from eating a balanced diet. For the past years, I’ve been taking multi-vitamins, B-complex, vitamin E, vitamin C, and Fish Oil.

I replaced my multi-vitamins with USANA Essentials since I was impressed with its complete formulation and its being the flagship product of USANA as a top-rated supplement in the world. I stopped taking B-complex since Essentials already contain six (6) B vitamins (i.e. B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and B12). Essentials gave me extra stamina due to sound sleep, I am energized at the beginning of the day with the complete and balanced formulation of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it provides. I do not experience anymore difficulty and irregular bowel movement.

Instead of separate vitamins for vitamin E and vitamin C, I took USANA Proflavanol C (Prof C) because it is a combination of grape seed extract and poly C, which are both powerful antioxidants. What convinced me was that Prof C is 50 times more potent than vitamin E and 20 times more potent than vitamin C. It enhanced my immune system so I do not catch severe colds and cough as often before due to sudden change in extreme weather conditions. My doctor prescribed simvastatin to lower my cholesterol level but after taking the said medicine for a month, my cholesterol level did not decrease so I stopped my medication. It’s good I’ve found Prof C. My cholesterol level has declined after few months of taking Prof C and has now reached normal level.

I replaced my Fish Oil with BiOmega since the latter is produced from deep-sea fish oil and I am assured that it is free from contaminants and it contains concentrated dose of omega-3. I don’t want to have alzheimer since I saw how my mother suffered because of the said disease.

I added Active Calcium since I was beginning to feel joint pains when climbing up the stairs. I was afraid to take Calcium before since it can develop into kidney stones according to my doctor so I was happy that USANA’s Active Calcium will not form into stones and it has activated form of Vitamin D for better absorption of Calcium in the body. I’ve also known that women are proned to osteoporosis since Calcium are being discharged during their monthly period so Calcium supplementation is necessary. I can now climb up the stairs without difficulty.

On the overall, USANA products helped me achieved the level of health that I need. I am also thankful that it has helped my family as well. My husband was able to manage his being overweight by taking using USANA Nutrimeal. Essentials and Prof C contributed to the fast recovery of my son from pneumonia without being confined in the hospital and the frequent asthma attacks of my other son has tremendously decreased.

USANA can also enhance your life in many ways. It’s not just about top-rated health products but it is also about a lucrative business opportunity for those who are looking for extra income.

Nancy Paje


If you want to know more about USANA, please visit my website at:

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